
Two Primulina pungentisepala

Primulina is a very interesting plant ... sometimes the variation within a same species makes me confused. I show you 2 Primulina pungentisepala , the flowers are similar but the foliage don't.


Primulina heterochroa x pungentisepala

Unfortunately , the color is not deep yellow or ocher as P. heterochroa. Only some seedlings show light yellow and most of them are lavender.


Early Spring

Just a few flowers in this early spring ... it's cold tonight.


Smithiantha after cold snap

The growth of Smithiantha doesn't stop and keep blooming although the temp. dropped down to Celsius 6 degrees during the past week.

Designer's Clown Festival



Sale and show in Taipei on 10th December

Many tables for display and sale ... You may find something new or rare at that day.


Early bird

It just took about 2 months from rhizome to flower, I did not look forward to seeing the blooms quickly while others still grow normally.